Entafix: Product Price History logo

Entafix: Product Price History

Develop by Entafix


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 15 Days Free Trial

    Save, compare price/solds & add badge - graph to product page.

    Track price changes
    Analyze sales data
    Add custom labels
    Display price graph
    Compare price trends
    Manual/automatic sync

    About Entafix: Product Price History

    Launched Feb 19, 2024


    Built by Entafix

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Aşık Veysel Caddesi, Küçükçekmece / İstanbul, İstanbul, 34290, TR

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    Z Promote & Convert Popup logo
    (42 Reviews)
    • Sponsored

    Simple and reliable popups to promote sales and capture...


    Saves product price and sale & allow comparisons between price changes & add badge to product page.

    Saves your price changes and sales for each variant across different dates. It provides you with the opportunity to analyze this data through graphs and tables. Additionally, you can add labels to your product page, such as "Lowest Price in the Last 30 Days," Also, you can also add a price change graph to your product page. These graphs and labels can be fully customized to fit your store. Increase your sales by enabling your customers to better understand your discounts from their perspective!

    Saves your price changes and sales for each variant across different dates. It provides you with the opportunity to analyze this data through graphs and tables. Additionally, you can add labels to your product page, such as "Lowest Price in the Last 30 Days," Also, you can also add a price change graph to your product page. These graphs and labels can be fully customized to fit your store. Increase your sales by enabling your customers to better understand your discounts from their perspective! more
    • The ability to view the different prices and sales of products at various times.
    • The ability to add fully customized badge & graph to product page.
    • The ability to establish trust with transparent product pricing.
    • Compare sold/price rates of your products at different times, such as campaigns
    • Ability to manual and automatic sync of your products.


    • Saves price changes and sales data for each variant across different dates
    • Data analysis through graphs and tables
    • Ability to add customized labels, such as 'Lowest Price in the Last 30 Days', to product pages
    • Option to add a price change graph to product pages
    • Graphs and labels are fully customizable to fit the store's brand
    • Enhances customer understanding of discounts, potentially increasing sales
    • Allows viewing of different prices and sales of products at various times
    • Establishes trust with transparent product pricing
    • Enables comparison of sold/price rates of products during different campaigns
    • Supports manual and automatic synchronization of products


    • Potential for increased complexity in managing and customizing graphs and labels
    • May require additional time to properly set up and analyze the data
    • Dependence on the accuracy of entered data for meaningful insights
    • Performance might be affected with large product catalogues if not optimized properly

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