Eccounting logo


Develop by Eccounting


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Analyze your online businesses in one place

    Sales analytics
    Profit tracking
    Inventory monitoring
    Profitability assessment
    Selling fees analysis
    Top products identification
    Location-based profits
    Channels statistics
    Shipping cost management

    About Eccounting

    Launched Jul 04, 2023


    Built by Eccounting


    Centralize e-commerce sales data, empowering sellers to stay informed, profitable, and decisive.

    Eccounting simplifies e-commerce management by consolidating sales data from multiple platforms into one place. It offers comprehensive features for informed decision-making, including tracking profit, analyzing selling fees, monitoring inventory, identifying top-selling products, and assessing profitability. It also highlights profitable locations and channels, manages inventory, shipping costs, and provides integration with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.

    Eccounting simplifies e-commerce management by consolidating sales data from multiple platforms into one place. It offers comprehensive features for informed decision-making, including tracking profit, analyzing selling fees, monitoring inventory, identifying top-selling products, and assessing profitability. It also highlights profitable locations and channels, manages inventory, shipping costs, and provides integration with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart. more
    • View sales analytics from multiple sales channels in one place
    • View profit and losses per region
    • Get updates on products running low on inventory


    • Consolidates sales data from multiple platforms into one place
    • Comprehensive features for informed decision-making
    • Tracks profit and analyzes selling fees
    • Monitors inventory and identifies top-selling products
    • Assesses overall profitability
    • Highlights profitable locations and sales channels
    • Manages inventory and shipping costs
    • Integration with major e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart
    • Provides real-time updates on products running low on inventory
    • Detailed sales analytics by region and channel


    • Possible data sync issues with multiple platforms
    • Steeper learning curve for beginners
    • Limited integration with smaller or niche e-commerce platforms
    • May require extensive setup for optimal use
    • Potential issues with data accuracy
    • Subscription costs could be high for small businesses

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