DIY Terms & Conditions logo

DIY Terms & Conditions

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Affordable and easy to implement and use for many use cases.

    Works with shopify
    Add cart checkbox
    Record acceptance
    Specify checkbox text
    Link relevant pages
    Customize alert
    Require acceptance
    Enforce acknowledgment
    Tailor presentation

    About DIY Terms & Conditions

    Launched May 30, 2024


    Built by Eniture Technology

    Email :

    [email protected]


    320 W. Lanier Ave, Ste 200, Fayetteville, GA, 30214, US

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQ


    Add a checkbox to the Cart page or product pages to prompt for and record acceptance of any policy or acknowledgment of restrictions. Common policies include those for returns, shipping, and use. Common restrictions include those for export, resale, distribution, and age requirements. Specify the checkbox text and include links to relevant web pages. Customize the alert that displays if the shopper attempts to advance without agreeing to the policy or acknowledging the restriction.

    Add a checkbox to the Cart page or product pages to prompt for and record acceptance of any policy or acknowledgment of restrictions. Common policies include those for returns, shipping, and use. Common restrictions include those for export, resale, distribution, and age requirements. Specify the checkbox text and include links to relevant web pages. Customize the alert that displays if the shopper attempts to advance without agreeing to the policy or acknowledging the restriction. more
    • Require acceptance of terms & conditions before advancing to the Checkout page.
    • Enforce acknowledgment of restrictions on products.
    • Tailor T&Cs, restrictions, and alerts for presentation & language preferences.
    • Works with all Shopify plans, options to "Buy It Now", and Dynamic checkout.
    • Record and timestamp the consent and/or acknowledgement events with the order.


    • Affordable and easy to implement
    • Versatile for various use cases
    • Add checkboxes to Cart or product pages
    • Record acceptance of any policy or acknowledgment of restrictions
    • Customizable checkbox text with links to relevant web pages
    • Ability to customize alert messages
    • Require acceptance before proceeding to Checkout
    • Enforce acknowledgment of product restrictions
    • Tailor terms & conditions, restrictions, and alerts for different languages and presentation preferences
    • Compatible with all Shopify plans and dynamic checkout options
    • Records and timestamps consent or acknowledgment events with the order


    • May require initial setup time to tailor to specific needs
    • Potentially intrusive for shoppers if overused
    • No mention of support for custom policy formats
    • Additional load time on the cart and product pages due to script execution
    • Potential need for ongoing maintenance to keep policies up to date

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