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Discountly‑Automatic Discount logo

Discountly‑Automatic Discount

Develop by SE
Free App

Provide automatically product and volume discount

Theme integration
Volume discounts
Quantity breaks
Tiered discounts
Automatic discounts
Product discounts

About Discountly‑Automatic Discount

Launched Nov 11, 2024


BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,907 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

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All-in-one discount app for setting up a variety of discounts tailored to your business.

Drive sales with a versatile discount app! Create volume and product discounts to raise order values and build customer loyalty. Ideal for sales, clearances, and promotions, with full control over your discount strategy. Create product and volume discounts based on item quantity or order subtotal. Easily select and set up product and volume discount. Seamlessly integrate with any theme to display product discounts, tiered discounts, and quantity breaks on the product page.

Drive sales with a versatile discount app! Create volume and product discounts to raise order values and build customer loyalty. Ideal for sales, clearances, and promotions, with full control over your discount strategy. Create product and volume discounts based on item quantity or order subtotal. Easily select and set up product and volume discount. Seamlessly integrate with any theme to display product discounts, tiered discounts, and quantity breaks on the product page. more
  • Provide a variety of flexible discount options.
  • Make more sales by offering volume discounts.
  • Easily set unique discounts for specific products.
  • Seamlessly display product discounts, tiered discounts on any theme with ease.


  • Automatically applies discounts, saving time for users
  • Increases sales by providing flexible discount options such as volume and product discounts
  • Enhances customer loyalty through strategic discount offerings
  • Ideal for various scenarios like sales, clearances, and promotions
  • Gives users full control over their discount strategy
  • Easily set up and select product and volume discounts
  • Integrates seamlessly with any theme, facilitating ease of use
  • Ability to create discounts based on item quantity or order subtotal
  • Displays tiered discounts and quantity breaks clearly on product pages
  • Supports unique discounts for specific products


  • Potential need for technical understanding to optimize discount strategies
  • May require theme compatibility checks to ensure seamless integration
  • Complex discount strategies might overwhelm new users

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