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Customer reviews: Dr Stacked Discounts on Cart

Reviews (255)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally appreciate "Dr Stacked Discounts on Cart" for its effective functioning and excellent customer support. Despite a few users experiencing occasional challenges, the majority find it to be a powerful tool offering customizable discount solutions efficiently. It resolves significant issues, such as shipping charge calculations based on discounted prices, providing much-needed flexibility.

Key Strengths

  • Outstanding customer support, often praised for its responsiveness and effectiveness.
  • Ability to customize and manage discounts creatively.
  • Integration ease with different themes and seamless functionality.
  • Resolution of specific technical issues, especially related to shipping calculations.

Common Concerns

  • Occasional functionality issues, especially in specific scenarios.
  • Some merchants reported challenges getting adequate support for unique problems.

Final Thoughts

Overall, "Dr Stacked Discounts on Cart" is well-received as a versatile and functional app, notably supported by a strong customer service team. Its ability to solve complex discount-related problems makes it a valuable tool, although it may require some patience and support for optimal use in certain instances.

Rebellious Unicorns

Apr 12, 2024  on Shopify

I gave up trying to make this app work for my members. Tried their support and after days of back and forth getting generic information that was not helpful for my issue I have given up. The discounts worked sometimes but usually didn't.

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