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Develop by Delyva Sdn Bhd
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Delivery service comparison and seamless order processing

Automated order fulfillment
Real-time tracking updates
Courier service comparison

About Delyva

Launched Feb 08, 2022


Built by Delyva Sdn Bhd

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[email protected]


F-11-19 Pacific Place, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, SGR, 47310, MY

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Connect with the best courier at discounted rates with automated order fulfillment & return process

Easily connect with multiple courier and delivery services at discounted rates. Boost your business by simplifying shipping logistics. Perfect for all businesses, it slashes complexities and saves time and costs. Manage orders effortlessly with real-time updates. Ideal for e-commerce, retail, and more.

Easily connect with multiple courier and delivery services at discounted rates. Boost your business by simplifying shipping logistics. Perfect for all businesses, it slashes complexities and saves time and costs. Manage orders effortlessly with real-time updates. Ideal for e-commerce, retail, and more. more
  • Easily connect with top-tier courier and delivery services within one app
  • Real-Time notifications and tracking to email, sms and WhatsApp
  • Automated order fulfillments and returns


  • Easily connects with multiple courier and delivery services, offering discounted rates
  • Simplifies shipping logistics, making it ideal for e-commerce and retail businesses
  • Real-time updates and notifications for order management through email, SMS, and WhatsApp
  • Automated order fulfillments and returns streamline process management
  • Saves time and reduces costs for businesses by managing orders effortlessly


  • Potential dependency on the reliability of partnered courier services
  • User experience might vary based on the integration with specific couriers
  • Limited control and customization options for specific delivery needs
  • Initial setup and learning curve for new users might be challenging

Top Helpful Reviews

Take It Global Sdn Bhd (873326-P)

Jun 16, 2023  on Shopify

Conclusion - Rubbish app / sampah / 垃圾. Incompetent team Although its supposed to be fixed. Still finding bugs. Wasted a lot of time testing, finding more info on the problems, taking screenshots, writing emails explaining and going back and forth to developers so that they can improve *THEIR* program (not my program). We should have been paid for this work. The earlier bugs would have made the app unusable. I think it best you do your testing properly instead of relying on users to test. Update: Integrated with Draft Orders New issue: Shipping fee calculation wrong (means the app not usable). Suspect that the app failed to include item weight in the calculation, only added in the quantity. The team is checking. Update: First issue solved Remaining issues: 1. App does not integrate with Draft Orders App looks ok, tidy compared to Shippit, Installed for trial What happened: 1. Asked support - was told Orders before the installation are not pulled in. 2. Waited and one new order came and was pulled in. and status changed to Fulfilled in Shopify, before airway bill is generated. This is a problem for us because Fulfilled in our workflow means the order is posted out which it isn't 3. Changed the settings so that supposedly order will only be Fulfilled in Shopify after airway bill is generated 4. Waited, but subsequently no new orders are pulled in. I don't know what is going on.

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