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Daeva ‑ Low Stock Alert

Develop by Daeva
Free plan available

Create a sense of urgency by alerting customers of low stock

No coding required
Custom thresholds
Low stock messages

About Daeva ‑ Low Stock Alert

Launched Sep 25, 2024


Built by Daeva

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Create a sense of urgency by notifying customers of low stock levels

Enhance your store's performance and create a sense of urgency. This powerful yet simple tool allows you to set custom inventory thresholds and automatically display low stock messages to your customers, directly on your product pages, encouraging them to act quick before products get sold out

Enhance your store's performance and create a sense of urgency. This powerful yet simple tool allows you to set custom inventory thresholds and automatically display low stock messages to your customers, directly on your product pages, encouraging them to act quick before products get sold out more
  • No coding required.
  • Set inventory thresholds for each variant.
  • Choose between various low stock messages.


  • No coding required, making it accessible for users without technical knowledge
  • Allows setting inventory thresholds for each variant, providing flexibility
  • Variety of low stock messages to choose from to create a sense of urgency
  • Easy to integrate and use, improving store performance efficiently


  • May not offer advanced customization options for complex inventory requirements
  • Effectiveness heavily depends on how customers respond to urgency-based marketing
  • Could potentially over-hype low stock alerts if not used appropriately, leading to customer dissatisfaction

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