CyberTargeter logo


  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    improve website sales and ROAS through Smart Advertising

    Ad management automation
    Pre-launch setup
    Post-launch reports
    Feed file updates
    Event tracking code
    Self-service integration
    Intelligent ad optimization
    Smarter analysis
    1 Reviews

    About CyberTargeter

    Launched Oct 27, 2023


    Built by Click Tech Limited


    Through precise user targeting and rich advertising forms,we can help you attract more website user

    This application can help merchants quickly and automatically complete advertising management tasks such as pre-launch account opening, feed file access and update, event tracking code, and post-launch marketing data reports. It is connected to the CyberTargeter platform and supports ROAS settlement, which comprehensively improves the purchase conversion rate and conversion amount of your website users.

    This application can help merchants quickly and automatically complete advertising management tasks such as pre-launch account opening, feed file access and update, event tracking code, and post-launch marketing data reports. It is connected to the CyberTargeter platform and supports ROAS settlement, which comprehensively improves the purchase conversion rate and conversion amount of your website users. more
    • Self-service integration with no waiting
    • Automatically intelligent ad optimization
    • Smarter reporting and analysis


    • Automatically completes advertising management tasks
    • Simplifies pre-launch tasks such as account opening and event tracking code setup
    • Supports post-launch marketing data reports and ROAS settlement
    • Improves purchase conversion rate and conversion amount
    • Self-service integration allows for quick and easy setup
    • Intelligent ad optimization automates ad performance improvements
    • Provides smarter reporting and analysis for better decision-making


    • Dependency on the CyberTargeter platform might limit flexibility
    • Automated processes may not accommodate unique business needs
    • Potential learning curve for new users unfamiliar with advertising management
    • Limited customization options for advanced users
    • Requires access to feed file updates and event tracking which might need additional technical support

    Rating And Reviews

    Youth Pink

    Feb 19, 2024  on Shopify

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