EZ Custom HTML logo

EZ Custom HTML

Develop by Programmer Hat


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Easily add custom HTML, custom Javascript, and custom CSS

    Add custom html
    Add custom css
    Add custom javascript
    Drag-and-drop functionality
    3 Reviews

    About EZ Custom HTML

    Launched Mar 14, 2023


    Built by Programmer Hat

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7520 Hornwood Dr, 1305, Houston, TX, 77036, US

    Website Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document


    Easily add custom HTML. A custom HTML section compatible with themes for Online Store 2.0.

    Are you having trouble figuring out how to add a custom HTML section to Shopify? Do you want to avoid dealing with adding custom HTML to a theme's liquid files? Are you interested in adding custom JS or custom CSS to a page? Then this is the app for you! You don't need any programming or coding experience to add custom HTML! As a App Block in the Theme Editor, you can easily drag and drop exactly where the custom HTML will go.

    Are you having trouble figuring out how to add a custom HTML section to Shopify? Do you want to avoid dealing with adding custom HTML to a theme's liquid files? Are you interested in adding custom JS or custom CSS to a page? Then this is the app for you! You don't need any programming or coding experience to add custom HTML! As a App Block in the Theme Editor, you can easily drag and drop exactly where the custom HTML will go. more
    • First-class support. Will usually respond in 24 hours if not 1-2 hours.
    • No Javascript skill or knowledge needed to add custom HTML to any page.
    • Can also add custom CSS or Javascript (JS)!
    • Easily add custom HTML to any Shopify page.


    • No programming or coding experience required to add custom HTML
    • Allows adding custom JS and custom CSS besides HTML
    • Drag and drop functionality in the Theme Editor for easy placement of custom HTML
    • First-class support, with responses usually within 24 hours, sometimes 1-2 hours
    • Simplifies the process of adding custom HTML without dealing with theme's liquid files
    • Easily add custom HTML to any Shopify page


    • Limited to the features and flexibility provided by the app; may not cover complex customization needs
    • May not appeal to advanced users who prefer direct access to the theme's liquid files for granular control
    • The effectiveness of the app's support is subject to user experience and responsiveness can vary

    Rating And Reviews


    Oct 18, 2023  on Shopify

    Amazing!! After trying to work out how to add columns and html to my theme for about three hours (and all the online help telling me to do things that my theme did not have) this app has sorted it in about 2 minutes! love it! Thank you!!

    { Flower Thinking }

    Jun 19, 2023  on Shopify

    This app does just what it says - allows you to insert a custom html section in a page. Works perfectly. Thanks

    My Store

    Mar 18, 2023  on Shopify

    Looks Great and is easy to use, but it's not showing as a section embed option in my theme. Looking forward to this app updates.

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