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Format My Fuzzy CSV


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CSV's from wholesalers will be formatted correctly for imports

Group products
Convert csv's
Select headings
Data sanitization
Formatting options
Combine columns
Format prices
Save mappings
Create variants
16 Reviews

About Format My Fuzzy CSV

Built by Friendly Scraper

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Increase your store's products by thousands! Convert wholesaler CSV's into bulk importable format

Usually wholesaler CSV's come in one product per line. Shopify's format requires one variant per line. Select the column headings and map into appropriate Shopify columns. Sanitizes bad data included in wholesaler CSV's. Up to ~500k products, depending on the row size. Convert the formatting of thousands of products in seconds Different formatting options available. HTTP, FTP, or Google Drive daily and hourly auto sync. Always open to user requests and new features always added.

Usually wholesaler CSV's come in one product per line. Shopify's format requires one variant per line. Select the column headings and map into appropriate Shopify columns. Sanitizes bad data included in wholesaler CSV's. Up to ~500k products, depending on the row size. Convert the formatting of thousands of products in seconds Different formatting options available. HTTP, FTP, or Google Drive daily and hourly auto sync. Always open to user requests and new features always added. more
  • Combine columns, format prices, accommodates multiple image URL formats
  • Save your mappings data and apply them quickly the second time.
  • Group together similar products and create variants


  • Formats wholesaler CSVs correctly for Shopify, converting one product per line into one variant per line
  • Allows users to select and map column headings to appropriate Shopify columns
  • Sanitizes bad data included in wholesaler CSVs
  • Handles files with up to ~50 thousand products
  • Free plan allows conversion of thousands of products
  • Offers different formatting options
  • Open to user requests and frequently adds new features
  • Ability to combine columns, format prices, and accommodate multiple image URL formats
  • Save mappings data for easy use in future sessions
  • Groups together similar products to create variants


  • Limited to ~50 thousand products per file; larger files need to be divided
  • Potential need for user intervention if new features or formatting requests are made

Top Helpful Reviews


Nov 20, 2023  on Shopify

Werkt perfect! Maakt het leven makkelijk. Echter wel regelmatig een error.. En aan de dure kant met maandelijks terugkomende kosten.


Oct 14, 2020  on Shopify

This app is easy to use for importing bulk inventory on shopify store and the best thing is its free to use as well. Thank you to developers.


Sep 22, 2020  on Shopify

Does exactly what it was built to do! Formatting csvs is tedious work and this app makes it super aeasy!


Aug 18, 2020  on Shopify

wont load, getting an error message when trying to open the app. Was working well. Try to uninstall and reinstall but get the same error


Apr 03, 2020  on Shopify

This app is great and very helpfull. I had converted some csv lists to the correct format and everything was running fine. At first I had some problemes with Firefox. With Internet Explorer everything was OK. Thank you for these app.

Sportswear 4 Pets

Nov 14, 2019  on Shopify

I love this app; until today when it won't work. I can't find a way to reach the creator, so I hope leaving a message here will get this fixed quickly. This is the Application error: An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details. You can do this from the Heroku CLI with the command heroku logs --tail

Magie di Natale

Oct 24, 2019  on Shopify

An app that simplifies your life. I solved the problem of importing images since many suppliers supply the url in a horizontal way while shopify accepts them vertically on the csv. Thanks


May 26, 2019  on Shopify

Fundamentally this is a must have among the Shopify community! Excellent use of vendor excel files you need converted to Shopify csv for upload! If we could give this app a 20+ star rating we would and can't see why others haven't left a great review beside the 2? We have a large outreach of Shopify users that will be finding this soon...believe us this app can not get unnoticed!

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