CRO Social Proof logo

CRO Social Proof

Develop by CRO App
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Drive Conversions with Social Proof, Recent Order Notification

    Real-time notifications
    Easy install
    Dynamic variables
    Top-selling products

    About CRO Social Proof

    Launched May 11, 2023


    Built by CRO App

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Pillanna Garden 8th Main, Bangalore, KA, 560045, IN

    Website Privacy policy


    Enhance trust and drive sales with our Social Proof & Recent Order

    Supercharge your sales and create a sense of urgency with the CRO Social Proof Shopify App. Showcase real-time notifications of recent orders and top-selling products to instill confidence in your offerings and drive conversions. Join the growing community of successful businesses leveraging social proof to maximize sales. Enhance your customers' buying experience and unlock the full potential of your store with CRO Social Proof. Get started today and skyrocket your sales

    Supercharge your sales and create a sense of urgency with the CRO Social Proof Shopify App. Showcase real-time notifications of recent orders and top-selling products to instill confidence in your offerings and drive conversions. Join the growing community of successful businesses leveraging social proof to maximize sales. Enhance your customers' buying experience and unlock the full potential of your store with CRO Social Proof. Get started today and skyrocket your sales more
    • Build Trust by showing social proof messages
    • Customize messages, as needed with the help of dynamic variables
    • Easy Install and setup - No Coding Needed


    • Enhances sales by creating a sense of urgency
    • Displays real-time notifications of recent orders and top-selling products
    • Instills confidence among customers and drives conversions
    • Particularly beneficial for new and growing businesses leveraging social proof
    • Customizable messages with the help of dynamic variables
    • Easy installation and setup with no coding required


    • May overwhelm customers if not used sparingly
    • Potentially intrusive for customers who prefer a quiet shopping experience
    • Effectiveness highly dependent on the volume of orders—low activity stores may not benefit as much
    • Customization options might be limited depending on the app's settings interface

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