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Develop by Novara


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AI-powered naming for products to improve appeal & sales

Ai-generated names
Market-friendly names
Bulk renaming

About Copilot

Launched Jul 27, 2023


Built by Novara


Revitalize your products texts with AI for enhanced appeal and improved sales.

Elevate your eCommerce store to new heights with CoPilot, your artificial intelligence (AI) powered assistant for product naming. In the bustling marketplace, the product's name is often its first introduction to potential customers. It's an art, requiring creativity, a deep understanding of market trends, and audience insights. CoPilot is here to simplify this art for you, transforming basic product names into captivating, innovative, and market-friendly versions.

Elevate your eCommerce store to new heights with CoPilot, your artificial intelligence (AI) powered assistant for product naming. In the bustling marketplace, the product's name is often its first introduction to potential customers. It's an art, requiring creativity, a deep understanding of market trends, and audience insights. CoPilot is here to simplify this art for you, transforming basic product names into captivating, innovative, and market-friendly versions. more
  • Take a simple and basic keyword and create a new name for a product
  • Rename an existing product name with a new and fresh name
  • Rename multiple products on a bulk action

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