ConversionBox Search & Filter logo

ConversionBox Search & Filter

Develop by ConversionBox
Free App

Tailor your live search results page to your specifications.

Advanced filters
No coding needed
Instant search
Smart search bar
Product labels
Collection filters
Easy navigation
Widgets adaptable theme

About ConversionBox Search & Filter

Launched May 20, 2024


Built by ConversionBox


Discover products swiftly with our smart search app. Benefit from a swift search bar, easy navigation, and advanced filters. No coding needed - widgets adapt to your theme. Customize with instant search, collection filters, product labels, and more. Enjoy responsive support and regular updates.

Discover products swiftly with our smart search app. Benefit from a swift search bar, easy navigation, and advanced filters. No coding needed - widgets adapt to your theme. Customize with instant search, collection filters, product labels, and more. Enjoy responsive support and regular updates. more
  • Smart & Instant Search Bar: Finds matches across all in-store pages.
  • Unlimited Filters: Access out-of-the-box and custom options.
  • Tailor your live search results page to your specifications.


  • Swift product discovery with smart search functionality
  • Easy navigation and advanced filtering options
  • No coding required for setup and customization
  • Widgets adapt seamlessly to your store's theme
  • Instant search and collection filters enhance user experience
  • Product labels and more customization available
  • Responsive customer support and regular updates provided
  • Smart & Instant Search Bar finds matches across all store pages
  • Unlimited filters, including out-of-the-box and custom options


  • Potential dependency on the internet speed for swift search operation
  • Customization may require understanding of the available widgets and features
  • Regular updates might introduce unexpected changes needing adaptation
  • Advanced filters might be overwhelming for users unfamiliar with detailed search functionalities

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