idmc logo


Develop by Bulqsoft


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Instantly AI Edit & bulk generate product descriptions

    Ai-powered descriptions
    Bulk content generation
    Instant text creation
    Rules-based system
    Organized data distribution
    Flexible data collection
    Export product names
    Bulk price creation
    Bulk sku creation

    Built by Bulqsoft


    Winkler Prinshof 10, Amsterdam, 1065 XL, NL

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document
    Zotabox: Promote & Convert 20+ logo
    (483 Reviews)
    $12.99-$79.99 / Month
    • Free Plan Available
    • Verified
    • Sponsored

    Easy popups, banners, upsell tool, header bar to boost sales...


    Generate unique and bulk product content with our AI-powered system.

    IDMC dynamically creates a large amount of unique e-commerce content instantly with our rules-based system. Artificially intelligent IDMC can open a new world of possibilities for your e-commerce business. Also, list products from trusted manufacturers/suppliers across the United States, European Union, Australia, and the rest of the world. Our AI-integrated system makes IDMC more flexible in collecting, organizing, and distributing bulk product-related data.

    IDMC dynamically creates a large amount of unique e-commerce content instantly with our rules-based system. Artificially intelligent IDMC can open a new world of possibilities for your e-commerce business. Also, list products from trusted manufacturers/suppliers across the United States, European Union, Australia, and the rest of the world. Our AI-integrated system makes IDMC more flexible in collecting, organizing, and distributing bulk product-related data. more
    • Create your own and massively imaginative product names in bulk and export.
    • Create thousands of product descriptions in seconds!
    • Create thousands of new (sales) prices and SKU in seconds!


    • Instantly generates a large amount of unique e-commerce content
    • Artificial intelligence integration provides flexibility and efficiency
    • Allows bulk creation of imaginative product names
    • Enables bulk creation of product descriptions, sales prices, and SKUs in seconds
    • Supports listing products from trusted manufacturers and suppliers from various regions around the world


    • Limited information on customization options for content generation rules
    • Potential dependency on the quality of AI-generated content; needs human oversight
    • May require a learning curve for new users to fully utilize the app's functionalities
    • Possibility of inconsistency in AI-generated descriptions which might require manual editing

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