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Develop by Cheetrack


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Increase +10% your sales through automated WhatsApp messages

Shopify integration
Customer segmentation
Multi-channel support
Back in stock alerts
Sms automation
Abandoned cart reminders
Automated whatsapp messages
One-on-one chat
Automated bot assignment
2 Reviews

About Cheetrack

Launched Jan 12, 2023


Built by Cheetrack

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Introduction Video


Create SMS, WhatsApp automation and Marketing campaigns. Increase your LTV and boost your sales.

On Cheetrack you can easily create automations and campaigns for your WhatsApp and SMS channels. Segmenting your customers according to your store's behavior can help you develop accurate marketing messages that can quickly boost your sales. Connect your Shopify store and set default text marketing automations like abandoned cart reminders, back in stock, and more. Also, you can chat directly with your customers in order to give that one-on-one connection and build that trust and like factor.

On Cheetrack you can easily create automations and campaigns for your WhatsApp and SMS channels. Segmenting your customers according to your store's behavior can help you develop accurate marketing messages that can quickly boost your sales. Connect your Shopify store and set default text marketing automations like abandoned cart reminders, back in stock, and more. Also, you can chat directly with your customers in order to give that one-on-one connection and build that trust and like factor. more
  • Segment your customers based on your store's behavior.
  • Your favorite channels: SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook all in one place.
  • Set up our bot and automatically assign executives to your conversations
  • Easily create automations and campaigns that drive hot traffic to your store.
  • Smart follow-ups based on your customer's questions and their purchase history.


  • Easily create automations and campaigns for WhatsApp and SMS channels
  • Segment customers according to store behavior for accurate marketing messages
  • Can quickly boost sales through targeted marketing messages
  • Integration with Shopify for features like abandoned cart reminders and back in stock notifications
  • Ability to chat directly with customers for building trust
  • Supports multiple channels including SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook
  • Automatic assignment of executives to conversations via bot setup
  • Smart follow-ups based on customer questions and purchase history
  • Centralized management of multiple messaging platforms


  • Potential dependence on messaging and response rate for effective marketing
  • Possible privacy concerns related to customer data segmentation and direct messaging
  • May require regular monitoring to handle customer queries effectively
  • Integration complexities with various stores besides Shopify
  • Learning curve for creating and managing automations efficiently

Top Helpful Reviews


Feb 24, 2023  on Shopify

La aplicación cumple con lo que promete, permite integrar los chats de plataformas de Meta (Whatsapp, Instagram y Facebook). Puede gatillar acciones como el envío automático de mensajes a determinados segmentos de clientes como también a carritos abandonados para recuperar ventas. A su vez posee un dashboard con un informe aquellas ventas asistidas. Por último destaco la rapidez y buena disposición en la atención de parte del equipo de Cheetrack, como también en el interés de realizar mejoras continuas en su aplicación.


Feb 23, 2023  on Shopify

Excelente Aplicación; Excelente Soporte al Cliente. Muy sencilla la implementación; en especial por el alto apoyo de un ejecutivo en la puesta en marcha. Cualquier implementación es apoyada por un ejecutivo asignado mediante el agendamiento de una video llamada para compartir pantalla y recibir el apoyo necesario en cualquier configuración.

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