Cash on Delivery Fee ‑ CODFEE logo

Cash on Delivery Fee ‑ CODFEE

Develop by Tyslo
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Charge extra fee for Cash on Delivery orders

    Automatic fee addition
    Tax application
    Manual payment support
    Fixed/percentage fee
    Checkout instructions
    Thank you page notes
    Email notification details

    About Cash on Delivery Fee ‑ CODFEE

    Launched Oct 24, 2022



    Once you install the app, you will find a 5-minute step-by-step guide on how to configure and enable the Cash on Delivery fee. This setup needs to be done only the first time, then the fee will automatically be added to Cash on Delivery orders. The additional fee will help you increase the rate of your prepaid orders because your customers will try to avoid the Cash on Delivery to avoid this additional charge.

    Once you install the app, you will find a 5-minute step-by-step guide on how to configure and enable the Cash on Delivery fee. This setup needs to be done only the first time, then the fee will automatically be added to Cash on Delivery orders. The additional fee will help you increase the rate of your prepaid orders because your customers will try to avoid the Cash on Delivery to avoid this additional charge. more
    • Use any manual payment method.
    • Use any manual payment method. Add a fixed or percentage fee.
    • You can apply tax to the additional fee.
    • Add instructions and fee value to the checkout page.
    • Add instructions to the order thank you page and email notification.


    • 5-minute step-by-step guide for easy initial setup
    • Fee is automatically added to Cash on Delivery orders after initial setup
    • Encourages customers to opt for prepaid orders to avoid the additional fee
    • Supports any manual payment method
    • Allows the addition of a fixed or percentage fee
    • Option to apply tax to the additional fee
    • Instructions and fee details can be added to the checkout page
    • Additional instructions can be provided on the order thank you page and email notification


    • Increased fees might deter some customers from choosing Cash on Delivery
    • May require some manual intervention if the setup is not correctly done initially
    • Additional charges could negatively impact customer satisfaction for those preferring Cash on Delivery

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