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Cartesan Shopping

Develop by Cartesan
Free App

3D for e-commerce in minutes

3d model creation
Easy image upload
Video based modeling
App block integration
Lighting customization
Background cropping

About Cartesan Shopping

Launched Mar 15, 2023


Built by Cartesan

Email :

[email protected]


2301 Durant Ave, Berkeley, CA, 94720, US

Website Privacy policy


3D models in under 5 minutes. Just upload a video or photos of your product.

Show your products in 3D. Increase sales, reduce returns, and increase customer satisfaction. Plus, it just looks super cool. To get started, take some pictures of your product. All you need is your smartphone camera! Upload your images to Cartesan Shopping right in our Shopify App. In just 5 minutes, you'll have a 3D model to put into your product page.

Show your products in 3D. Increase sales, reduce returns, and increase customer satisfaction. Plus, it just looks super cool. To get started, take some pictures of your product. All you need is your smartphone camera! Upload your images to Cartesan Shopping right in our Shopify App. In just 5 minutes, you'll have a 3D model to put into your product page. more
  • Automatically make 3D models from a 30 second video with results in 5 minutes.
  • Place models as an app block in your store.
  • Customize model lighting, exposure, and crop backgrounds.

Introduction Video

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