Synder Insights‑sales reports logo

Synder Insights‑sales reports


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 15 Days Free Trial

    Cross channel sales, customer and product analytics and KPIs

    Customer insights
    Product analytics
    Sales reporting
    Cross-channel analytics
    Ltv analysis
    Aov breakdown
    Fees breakdown
    Top-performing products
    New vs returning customers

    About Synder Insights‑sales reports

    Launched Mar 27, 2023


    Built by CloudBusiness Inc

    Email :

    [email protected]


    1390 Market Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA, 94102, US

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ


    Instant sales, customer and product analytics and KPIs to scale business growth

    Start growing your business with Synder Insights. The tool provides analytics and reports based on the raw data coming from all your connected platforms. It easily connects to your stores as well as their payment gateways. Get up-to-date customer, product and sales reports across multiple connected channels: LTV, AOV, fees breakdown, top-performing customers and products, best product pairs, new vs returning customers and more than 40 other KPIs and metrics.

    Start growing your business with Synder Insights. The tool provides analytics and reports based on the raw data coming from all your connected platforms. It easily connects to your stores as well as their payment gateways. Get up-to-date customer, product and sales reports across multiple connected channels: LTV, AOV, fees breakdown, top-performing customers and products, best product pairs, new vs returning customers and more than 40 other KPIs and metrics. more
    • Seamless connection with 25+ integrations
    • Hourly data update for quick data driven decision making
    • 40+ KPIs and metrics to grow your business
    • COGS and product profitability tracking

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