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Atomic Returns

Develop by Atomic Returns


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30 Days Free Trial

Tailor your returns program around your products and customers

Automated processes
Product-specific rules
Tailored returns program
Precision policies
Customer-centric approach

About Atomic Returns

Launched Sep 04, 2019


Built by Atomic Returns

Email :

[email protected]


28 W 8th St, Suite 8, New York, NY, 10024, US

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BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,907 Reviews)
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Precision policies and automations to pinpoint your efforts. Work smarter.

No-hassle return policies are an effective conversion tool, but can be wildly expensive. Atomic Returns makes it easy to carefully control WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE, so that you’re providing the right benefit for the right product, customer at the right time. Combine that with our automation engine and you can ensure you’re focusing your returns program efforts where it matters most. Measure policy changes with detailed reports. Be smarter and save time: a powerful combination.

No-hassle return policies are an effective conversion tool, but can be wildly expensive. Atomic Returns makes it easy to carefully control WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE, so that you’re providing the right benefit for the right product, customer at the right time. Combine that with our automation engine and you can ensure you’re focusing your returns program efforts where it matters most. Measure policy changes with detailed reports. Be smarter and save time: a powerful combination. more
  • Escape one-size-fits-all with policies carefully fit around your product groups
  • Automate around any combo of request attributes: product, order, customer, etc.
  • Tap into a robust capabilities: bundles, holidays, donations, repairs, gifts
  • Showcase your brand by accepting returns in your storefront with your theme
  • Enjoy affordable pricing, whether you process a few or thousands


  • Tailors return programs to suit products and customers.
  • Potentially boosts customer satisfaction by enhancing return policies.
  • Customizable features promote operational flexibility.


  • Dependency on user-specific feedback to identify exact benefits.
  • May require significant initial setup and configuration.
  • Effectiveness highly dependent on the integration with existing systems.

Top Helpful Reviews

Sunsets Inc.

Oct 13, 2023  on Shopify

Atomic Returns makes the returns process simple and easy. Automation is very important to us and Atomic Returns has exceeded our expectations. If we need something tweaked or changed they respond very quickly. They have added new features when we suggest them and have been very easy to work with. We highly recommend this app for easy custom returns on shopify.

CEFA Uniform Store

Oct 13, 2023  on Shopify

Atomic Returns has been great. They are always super responsive and open to feedback. Their customer support has been great. The app itself is easy to navigate and intuitive.

Urban Infant

Jan 12, 2023  on Shopify

Always very quick and helpful customer service! Can't see us switching to another app for returns any time soon (if ever!)

Back To Sport

Dec 01, 2022  on Shopify

Amazing team and app. We have been using Atomic for years starting when they had just launched. Continuously updating the app and always open to feedback.


Oct 22, 2021  on Shopify

Atomic Returns does it all. We wanted an app that lets customers complete the return request. Check. We needed a return shipping app that offered exchanges as well as refunds. Check. We needed the app to allow us to return items back to one of five warehouses. Check. Whatever the needs, Atomic has been great with resolving any issues. Dealing with returns is never pleasant but the elegance of Atomic Returns eliminates much of the hassle.


Mar 03, 2021  on Shopify

Five Star App that cares about its users. We had searched for a return platform that would match our storefront. When we had been comparing the different options, based on price, features and customization, Atomic was the clear winner. The support is always very responsive and helpful. The initial set up was very straight forward and easy to implement. They are constantly improving their platform based on the needs and requests of their customers. Another main reason that we went with Atomic is that they are currently in the process of creating a warranty platform to partner with their return/exchange/Credit software. We had been unsuccessful finding anyone else doing this. With their reporting features we are easily able to identify problem SKU's and reach appropriate actions. I would highly recommend this App to everyone that deals with multiple returns and exchanges.

Selkirk Sport

Dec 10, 2020  on Shopify

The support team is amazing! They are always prompt to answer and have made many changes at our request to help make it easier for us and our customers to navigate through the return process. I really appreciate their willingness to quickly address any problems we are having.


Jul 25, 2020  on Shopify

MUST HAVE APP - Excellent app that makes the return process easy for the customer and easy for the merchant. The support team are responsive and understand the pressures of running an e-comm business. Took 10 minutes to set-up, easy to update and change the return policies and gives the customer a return portal. 5 Stars!


Jul 17, 2020  on Shopify

We added the Cricket Returns tool about 6 months ago and have not been disappointed. This tool makes returns processing very easy and efficient. The Cricket team has been great helping us fix any issues and are continuously improving the tool. We highly recommend Cricket Returns.

Burn Boot Camp

Jul 13, 2020  on Shopify

This app has been great. The customer service is excellent and very quick to respond! I know they are working on ways to improve the app everyday and just yesterday released an update where you can multiple returns on a order. I will be very very excited when they come out with the exchange linkage to shopify. Highly recommend this app!!

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