Ask to Buy create & share cart logo

Ask to Buy create & share cart

Develop by AskToBuy


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 30 Days Free Trial

    Turn your Cart to Registry & Wish List with fast Cart Sharing

    Track conversions
    Custom checkout
    Cart sharing
    Notify purchases
    Create registry
    Pre-fill details
    Group share supported
    27 Reviews

    About Ask to Buy create & share cart

    Launched Mar 02, 2020


    Built by AskToBuy


    Let visitors & sales-reps create and share carts with friends, parents, and customers.

    Add the AskToBuy button to let your visitors to create and share carts via email or link. Teens without a payment method can pre-fill shipping details and send it to their parents for the final payment. Shoppers can create a gift registry to share with friends. Sales representatives can create dedicated carts for their customers, and send it to them for the payment. Invitees land directly in the checkout page with a custom welcome experience. Inviters get notified on finalized purchases.

    Add the AskToBuy button to let your visitors to create and share carts via email or link. Teens without a payment method can pre-fill shipping details and send it to their parents for the final payment. Shoppers can create a gift registry to share with friends. Sales representatives can create dedicated carts for their customers, and send it to them for the payment. Invitees land directly in the checkout page with a custom welcome experience. Inviters get notified on finalized purchases. more
    • Pre-fill checkout details. Invitees just need to pay. Suitable for with lists.
    • Invitees land in checkout page with a custom welcome experience.
    • Use built in AskToBuy buttons or customize your own.
    • Track cart shares, conversions, and generated revenue. Group share supported.


    • Allows easy creation and sharing of carts via email or link
    • Enables teens without a payment method to pre-fill shipping details and send it to their parents for payment
    • Facilitates creation of gift registries for sharing with friends
    • Supports sales representatives to create and send dedicated carts to customers for payment
    • Invitees land directly on the checkout page with a custom welcome experience
    • Hosts in-built or customizable AskToBuy buttons
    • Tracks cart shares, conversions, and generated revenue
    • Supports group share functionality


    • Dependency on email or links, which could be inconvenient for some users
    • Teens need prior knowledge to fill shipping details correctly
    • Potential security concerns with email or link sharing
    • Customization options might require a learning curve
    • Invitees have to complete the payment process, which could lead to abandoned carts
    • Notification system might lead to spam or overwhelming notifications
    • Requires integration and setup, which might be complex for some users
    • Possible privacy issues regarding sharing personal details over links

    Rating And Reviews


    Feb 12, 2021  on Shopify

    Well, none of my customers have used it as of yet, so I cannot comment on the performance of the app. I can say it is a very clever idea and would prove useful once finally used.


    Aug 22, 2020  on Shopify

    Great App! Easy to install & set Up. Looking forward to it being put through it's paces. Its a great idea too!


    Aug 09, 2020  on Shopify

    This is a VERY good idea. Started working with the app not too long ago and loving it. I'm sure it will only get better with time and be a very popular and useful app.

    פוט סטאר - FutStar

    Aug 03, 2020  on Shopify

    Great idea! Great app! Perfect for my target market. I highly recommend to every store owner to use it.

    Happy Remita

    May 02, 2020  on Shopify

    I had unfortunate problems installing the app in a first time, but AskToBuy team came back to me apologizing and ready to help. The app works very well now. Thanks ;)

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