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Angular View


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Unlock insights and trends for smarter and clearer decisions

    Multi-currency support
    Schedule exports
    Custom dashboards
    Aggregate metrics
    Historical insights
    Revolutionary comparison
    Abundance of metrics
    Single page view
    Seamless cross store

    About Angular View

    Launched Feb 22, 2024


    Built by A2 Tech Services

    Email :

    [email protected]


    615A Blaxland Road, Eastwood, NSW, 2122, AU

    Website Privacy policy


    Multi-Store,Multi-Currency,Multi User analytics with revolutionary comparison method offers 360 view

    Aggregate metrics across different stores, or analyze side by side. Historical AOV, CLV, Mode and Median offer insights into their past trends, facilitating effortless comparisons across various timeframes-be it months, quarters, or years. Create custom dashboards, and share. Capture a specific moment in time by scheduling exports. Navigate through business insights at ease. AngularView empowers you to effortlessly explore your business from multiple perspectives with just a few clicks.

    Aggregate metrics across different stores, or analyze side by side. Historical AOV, CLV, Mode and Median offer insights into their past trends, facilitating effortless comparisons across various timeframes-be it months, quarters, or years. Create custom dashboards, and share. Capture a specific moment in time by scheduling exports. Navigate through business insights at ease. AngularView empowers you to effortlessly explore your business from multiple perspectives with just a few clicks. more
    • Revolutionary Comparison; Analyze each period by previous periods counterparts
    • Abundance Of Metrics; Sales, Qty, AOV, Median, Mean, Gross Profit; 40+ metrics
    • Single Page, Eagle Eye; Condense as many metrics as needed on one page
    • Seamless Cross Store; Metrics aggregated or side-by-side from multiple stores
    • Multi Currency; Figures by shop currency or customer currency;Just one drag away

    Introduction Video


    • Unlocks insights and trends for smarter and clearer decisions
    • Aggregate metrics across different stores, or analyze side by side
    • Offers historical data on AOV, CLV, Mode, and Median for better trend analysis
    • Facilitates effortless comparisons across various timeframes - months, quarters, or years
    • Enables the creation and sharing of custom dashboards
    • Allows scheduling of exports to capture specific moments in time
    • Provides easy navigation through business insights
    • Supports revolutionary comparison by analyzing each period with previous counterparts
    • Offers an abundance of metrics including Sales, Qty, AOV, Median, Mean, Gross Profit, and more
    • Condenses multiple metrics on a single page for an eagle-eye view
    • Supports seamless cross-store metrics aggregation or side-by-side analysis
    • Supports multi-currency figures, viewable by shop or customer currency with ease


    • The sheer number of metrics could be overwhelming for new users
    • Custom dashboard creation might require a learning curve
    • May require frequent updates to ensure compatibility across different stores
    • Potential issues with data accuracy if stores don't synchronize properly
    • High dependency on user input for scheduling exports might lead to human error

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