Andromo mobile app builder logo

Andromo mobile app builder

Develop by Andromo LTD


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Turn your store into mobile app with a few simple clicks

    Personalized experiences
    Template library
    Custom pages
    Brand alignment
    Bespoke pages
    Rich text
    Engaging pictures
    Multimedia content
    Product video reviews
    1 Reviews

    About Andromo mobile app builder

    Launched Oct 11, 2022


    Built by Andromo LTD


    Andromo, a standout mobile app builder, personalizes apps to significantly boost conversions

    With Andromo, you can craft bespoke pages filled with rich text, engaging pictures, and multimedia content such as video and audio. The builder allows you to create compelling product video reviews and integrate Instagram feeds showcasing your merchandise. We provide a comprehensive template library in popular themes, helping you to create engaging applications quickly. It also enables you to create custom pages for blogs, articles, and product video reviews directly within the app

    With Andromo, you can craft bespoke pages filled with rich text, engaging pictures, and multimedia content such as video and audio. The builder allows you to create compelling product video reviews and integrate Instagram feeds showcasing your merchandise. We provide a comprehensive template library in popular themes, helping you to create engaging applications quickly. It also enables you to create custom pages for blogs, articles, and product video reviews directly within the app more
    • App builder boosts conversions via personalized user experiences
    • Customize extensively for an app that aligns with your brand identity
    • Firebase analytics tool aids user insight, enabling strategic marketing

    Introduction Video


    • Easy to use with a few simple clicks
    • Allows creation of rich and engaging content (text, pictures, multimedia)
    • Enables product video reviews and Instagram feed integration
    • Comprehensive template library with popular themes for quick app creation
    • Suitable for creating custom pages for blogs, articles, and videos
    • Boosts conversions via personalized user experiences
    • Extensive customization options to align with brand identity
    • Firebase analytics tool for better user insight and strategic marketing


    • Limited to template themes provided
    • May require some technical knowledge for more advanced customizations
    • Integration with other e-commerce platforms may be limited
    • Potentially higher costs for premium features
    • Dependency on Andromo's platform for app updates and maintenance
    • Limited offline capabilities if users lack internet connection

    Rating And Reviews


    Feb 03, 2023  on Shopify

    Andromo App builder is on another level whether you are newbie in the Ecommerce sector or a Pro it just just got you covered. With its vast easy-to-use tools and templates you can be rest assured of success in your business. Also their customer care is great well listening and takes their time to address their client problems. I am a happy Client Indeed Andromo is a game changer in the Ecommerce App development sector.

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