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ALPHA Currency Converter

Develop by Arcafy


/ Month
5 Days Free Trial

Take advantage of global market by our Currency Conversion App

Seamless shopify integration
Instant currency display
Automated location-based switching
Checkout currency converter
Ajax cart-compatible
Price rounding support
One-click uninstall
13 Reviews

About ALPHA Currency Converter

Launched Aug 10, 2020


Built by Arcafy

Email :

[email protected]


3131 Michelson Dr, Irvine, CA, 92612, US

Website Privacy policy FAQ


Our App is build to increase your store revenue by converting prices to local currency dynamically.

Alpha currency converter integrates seamlessly with Shopify checkout pages, boosting international sales by catering to global customers with instant currency display and accurate exchange rates. It features automated location-based switching, an automated checkout currency converter, and works with AJAX carts and all themes. It supports price rounding, includes a one-click uninstall option, and offers five-star support, making it ideal for enhancing the global shopping experience

Alpha currency converter integrates seamlessly with Shopify checkout pages, boosting international sales by catering to global customers with instant currency display and accurate exchange rates. It features automated location-based switching, an automated checkout currency converter, and works with AJAX carts and all themes. It supports price rounding, includes a one-click uninstall option, and offers five-star support, making it ideal for enhancing the global shopping experience more
  • Easily add currencies with the push of a button and start selling international.
  • Automatically display prices in local currency and watch your sales soar.
  • Customer confidence will increase when they see prices in local currency.
  • Compatible with all themes and designs.

Introduction Video


  • Seamlessly integrates with Shopify checkout pages
  • Boosts international sales by catering to global customers
  • Instant currency display with accurate exchange rates
  • Automated location-based switching
  • Automated checkout currency converter
  • Works with AJAX carts and all themes
  • Supports price rounding
  • Includes a one-click uninstall option
  • Five-star support
  • Easily add currencies with the push of a button
  • Increases customer confidence by displaying prices in local currency
  • Compatible with all themes and designs
  • Extremely responsive support team


Rating And Reviews


May 25, 2024  on Shopify

Easy to use app for conversion to any currency. Team is extremely responsive should you have any issues. Highly recommended.


Feb 18, 2022  on Shopify

Nice team and very professional :) Very useful application fot automatic currency switching even in the checkout page for those using Shopify Payment.

49 Street Fitness

Dec 09, 2020  on Shopify

We just installed this app and it was super simple looks great. Thanks for the video tutorial.This app is a legit life saver. Thanks!


Nov 11, 2020  on Shopify

Great experience with customer service and the price is reasonable. I highly recommend this app. 10/10


Aug 21, 2020  on Shopify

This a really useful app and easy to set up and use, It means that we can now convert currency on shopify checkout with shopify payments

Drophomes Pakistan

Aug 20, 2020  on Shopify

Awesome app, was easy to set up in seconds. do exactly where it was supposed to show currency the shopify checkout page.

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