Almund‑Customer Data Platform logo

Almund‑Customer Data Platform

Develop by Almund, Inc.
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Knowing your customers has never been easier

    Data-driven insights
    Real-time data
    Shopify sync
    Cohort segmentation
    Ga integration
    Meta ad manager
    Collaborate team
    Streamline workflow

    About Almund‑Customer Data Platform

    Launched Jan 11, 2022


    Built by Almund, Inc.



    Website Privacy policy


    A single source of truth for your insights in one news feed to see, share and collaborate.

    With Almund you can easily get all your marketing insights in one place, allowing you to share and collaborate with your team. A single source of truth can help you know your existing customers better. Which allows you to focus on retention in 2023. We also provide a dedicated account manager who runs weekly audits with you.

    With Almund you can easily get all your marketing insights in one place, allowing you to share and collaborate with your team. A single source of truth can help you know your existing customers better. Which allows you to focus on retention in 2023. We also provide a dedicated account manager who runs weekly audits with you. more
    • Sync Shopify data in real-time. Streamlines workflow, provide valuable insights
    • Enhance your strategy with data-driven insights with real-time data and analysis
    • Integrates with GA & Meta Ad Manager to help understand store performance.
    • Automatic Cohort Segmentation basis products
    • Build your team & share insights to drive better decision-making for your sales

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