Advanced Fulfillment Rules logo

Advanced Fulfillment Rules


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  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Intelligently move order fulfillment location automatically

    Quick setup
    Intelligent rule creation
    Auto-select nearest location
    Order splitting
    Address-based fulfillment
    Tag-based fulfillment
    Automatic order relocation
    6 Reviews

    About Advanced Fulfillment Rules

    Built by Advanced Fulfillment Rules


    Create intelligent rules to split or move an order's fulfillment location automatically

    Advanced Fulfillment Rules lets you create rules that set an order's fulfillment location such as a warehouse, automatically based on the nearest fulfillment location, on the shipping address or tags. You can also split the fulfillment location if a product is not stocked at the location or doesn't have enough to fulfill the order. It takes moments to set up and then you can use the app to move orders, safe in the knowledge they are going to the right place.

    Advanced Fulfillment Rules lets you create rules that set an order's fulfillment location such as a warehouse, automatically based on the nearest fulfillment location, on the shipping address or tags. You can also split the fulfillment location if a product is not stocked at the location or doesn't have enough to fulfill the order. It takes moments to set up and then you can use the app to move orders, safe in the knowledge they are going to the right place. more
    • Split fulfillment across locations intelligently
    • Automatically fulfill orders from the correct location using intelligent rules
    • No more manually editing orders, workarounds or running multiple stores

    Rating And Reviews


    May 02, 2023  on Shopify

    Wow, so simple and it works. I had been looking through dozens of apps and non couple simply redirect inventory based on the location. This should be a Shopify default. So my EU orders were showing up in the US inventory system. Now the EU orders show up under EU. So easy and basic. And the support team is amazingly responsive. You NEVER see this with apps. They actually reply. Thanks! Frank

    Seeking Health

    Nov 09, 2022  on Shopify

    We needed a very simple and easy to manage app that would route orders based on shipping address and inventory availability. This app has worked great for us!

    Vesta Precision

    Nov 08, 2022  on Shopify

    Easy to set up and monitor. And if you run into a weird scenario as I did, Alex helped me quickly to get a resolution!


    May 17, 2022  on Shopify

    **UDPATE** Alex reached out to me and let me know that my emails were going to spam to clarify my questions. **REVIEW** This app is great but it is missing one key piece. It does not have the ability to move individual products in an order so if there is one product stocked at the default fulfillment location it won't adjust any products on the order. I was told this functionality is coming soon, when it does it will update to 5 stars as that is all that is missing.

    Skin By Blair

    Apr 01, 2022  on Shopify

    Initially had some trouble with the app and the team spent hours trying to resolve our issues until it was working exactly how we needed it to work. There is no other Shopify app that is able to do what this app does - so glad they came out with this app - it makes our fulfillment process 10x easier!

    Happy Campers Gluten Free

    Jan 17, 2022  on Shopify

    This app is a life saver! Works flawlessly. We have 2 fulfillment centers, one on the West and one on the East Coast. For inventory tracking and forecasting purposes, we need to know what warehouse an order ships from. Shopify has Locations functionality, but amazingly no way to automatically assign a Location to an order based on State or Zip. I've been searching for an app that could automatically do this seemingly super basic and super essential function for a loooong time and finally this is it. This app had no reviews, so I was hesitant, but it works perfect and does exactly what we need. A+++!

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