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9600 Escarpment Blvd, Ste 745-111, Austin, TX, 78749, US
Website Support Portal Privacy policy#Order Export - Automatically export orders from Shopify to ACUMEN * Order Number & Date * Purchase Order * Shipping method & Charge * Taxes * Order Amount * Customer Billing Details * Shipping Details * Much more #Product Update - Automatically updated in Shopify * New products added * Inactive products hidden * Product Name * Description * Price * Quantity in Stock * Specials * Category * Much more #Order Status * Order status updated in Shopify * Tracking number added to Shopify
Customer-driven order edits, no support needed
Sync Products & Orders with Square in Realtime!
Official PayPal Tracking Sync App: Approved by PayPal
Multi store sync with Inventory sync, product sync, order...