Accurate Logistics logo

Accurate Logistics

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    easy to use for integrating shipping methods

    Shipping integration
    Order listing
    Trackable orders
    Zone specification
    Access token setup

    About Accurate Logistics

    Launched May 20, 2024


    Built by Accurate Smart Solutions


    system integrats between accurate shipping system and shopify to ship orders. There is a settings page to add the shipping settings: - the backend link of the shipping system. - the access token that you can use to create shipments through Shopify. - We will specify the zone, subzone, and the type of shipping service (خدمة الشحن). Then, we will be able to see trackable orders, and each order must have a customer and address not just draft order also must have payment or payed or COD payment.

    system integrats between accurate shipping system and shopify to ship orders. There is a settings page to add the shipping settings: - the backend link of the shipping system. - the access token that you can use to create shipments through Shopify. - We will specify the zone, subzone, and the type of shipping service (خدمة الشحن). Then, we will be able to see trackable orders, and each order must have a customer and address not just draft order also must have payment or payed or COD payment. more
    • setting shipping data for accessing shipping system
    • list orders page that list allowed to ship orders
    • send order to shipping company system

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