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Add engaging video stories to product pages for higher sales. Show more
Effortlessly add video content using the popular formats of Instagram and TikTok stories, making it easier than ever to bring your products to life. Increase customer engagement by allowing shoppers to visualize themselves with your products through videos.
Highlight your best blog articles inside your shop collections Show more
Display your most relevant blog articles on your collection pages to speed up the buying decision. Integrate purchase guides, testimonials, and tutorials right where decisions are made, enhancing engagement. Ideal for content-rich stores, it replaces a product slot with informative content to inform and convert shoppers. Elevate your shop's experience and watch conversions grow with informed purchases. Customizable to your theme. Manual installation is required on most shops, please contact us!
Change the display of your website when visitors are inactive. Show more
We monitor each visitor's activity. After 2 minutes without motion, your shop's appearance changes: the page turns to black and white and gets blurry. When the visitor gets back to your shop, starts moving his mouse again, or touch their phone screen, the page's appearance returns back to normal. This transformation catches their attention.
Add engaging video stories to product pages for higher sales....
Highlight your best blog articles inside your shop collections...