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顧客体験向上のために、商品閲覧履歴をサンクスページのアップセルに使おう! Show more
With the RemPro app, merchants can display customers' product browsing history on pages like "My Page" without needing an engineer to create a browsing history feature. Using this app, merchants can insert the product view history directly from the theme editor, enhancing the user experience and encouraging customers to develop a liking for the store.
This app is a chatbot using the popular ChatGPT API.
SmartPick plays a crucial role for merchants. This app allows chatbots to quickly resolve customer issues using AI. Merchants can support customers with everything from product usage to returns and refunds. Additionally, merchants can understand potential customer issues from chat history, improving product lineups and marketing strategies. Streamlining tasks like customer support allows merchants to focus on sales strategies and product development, leading to business growth.
This app is a chatbot using the popular ChatGPT API.