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Apps by Amara Insights

Unlock customer insights with tailored interviews and actionable analytics.

Grow faster & more efficiently with deeper customer insights.

Get answers to key questions: Why do customers choose your brand over others? Why do some become loyal while others buy once and leave? Who do your customers see as your competitors? Amara Insights uses your Shopify data to build a tailored research plan. It identifies the right customers to interview, writes scripts & questionnaires, and schedules calls for you. After interviews, actionable insights & sound bites are delivered to your inbox—giving you deeper insights to fuel decision making.

Get answers to key questions: Why do customers choose your brand over others? Why do some become loyal while others buy once and leave? Who do your customers see as your competitors? Amara Insights uses your Shopify data to build a tailored research plan. It identifies the right customers to interview, writes scripts & questionnaires, and schedules calls for you. After interviews, actionable insights & sound bites are delivered to your inbox—giving you deeper insights to fuel decision making. more
  • Easy integration: Install the app and get started in seconds.
  • 1:1 customer interviews at your fingertips: unlock insights, drive growth.
  • Expert-led guidance: No research or analytics experience required.
  • Access the voice of the customer: Optimize ad creatives, copy and website.
  • Stay in your workflow: Get answers delivered to your inbox.
Amara: Customer Insights logo
(2 Reviews)
$499 / Month

Unlock customer insights with tailored interviews and actionable...

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