2.5Average Rating
Receive fraud risk indicators and validate every order. Show more
Zumigo DeRiskify OrderRisk helps you identify fraudulent orders before you process them, saving you time, money and customer trust. Zumigo DeRiskify OrderRisk's identity and payment information verification app ensures that your customers are who they say they are, and their payment method is valid so you can be sure that your business is protected against fraud.
Instant, secure login with Network Auth, SMS, or Email OTPs. Show more
Streamline shopper access with passwordless login that enhances their experience and drive conversions. Shoppers are authenticated using Silent Network Authentication (SNA), or one time passcode (OTP) via SMS or email. With no passwords to remember, shoppers can log in effortlessly! Removing login barriers reduces friction and boosts engagement. You can also gain insights into shopper login activities and devices so you can personalize experiences and optimize security.
Receive fraud risk indicators and validate every order.
Instant, secure login with Network Auth, SMS, or Email OTPs....