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Apps by Xelandru Software SRL

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1 Reviews

Send order alerts instantly with our multichannel SMS gateway

Multi-channel communication
Instant order alerts
Unified rest api
Android app support
Gsm hardware integration
Rcs telegram whatsapp

SMSAlert is a multichannel platform that helps you reach more customers at reduced costs.

SMSAlert is a versatile multi-channel communication platform. It empowers businesses to engage with their end customers intelligently through SMS, RCS, Telegram, and WhatsApp, all via a unified REST API. Our primary focus is on helping companies to engage with customers and reduce communication expenses. For SMS messages we make available Android App or dedicated GSM equipment so you can send messages from your own phone number, thus increase customer satisfaction and build trust.

SMSAlert is a versatile multi-channel communication platform. It empowers businesses to engage with their end customers intelligently through SMS, RCS, Telegram, and WhatsApp, all via a unified REST API. Our primary focus is on helping companies to engage with customers and reduce communication expenses. For SMS messages we make available Android App or dedicated GSM equipment so you can send messages from your own phone number, thus increase customer satisfaction and build trust. more
  • SMS Gateway with Android APP or dedicated GSM Hardware.
  • Unified API and top notch administration panel with automations built in mind.
  • WhatsApp, Telegram and RCS messages with fallback on SMS.
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(1 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

Send order alerts instantly with our multichannel SMS gateway...

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