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Apps by World Depot Inc.

Dropshipping services,journey to your dream business.

Create purchase orders
Auto order sync
Link multiple platforms
Local warehouse shipping
Logistics synchronization

Dropshipping, efficient fulfillment reduces time and costs, enhance shopping experience for buyer.

Support linking multiple platforms and stores, Customers can manually or automatically sync orders from the store to ECOVS. Create a purchase order, and automatically send it to the supplier. The supplier will ship directly from the local warehouse to the buyer and synchronize the logistics information to the store.

Support linking multiple platforms and stores, Customers can manually or automatically sync orders from the store to ECOVS. Create a purchase order, and automatically send it to the supplier. The supplier will ship directly from the local warehouse to the buyer and synchronize the logistics information to the store. more
  • Local warehouse shipping, efficient fulfillment, pleasant shopping experience.
  • Multiple platforms and stores, Unlimited qty of stores and orders.
  • One on one customer service ensures timely resolution of various customer issues


Order synchronization
Inventory tracking
Warehouse management
Shipping status
Rma management


WorldDepot ERP是一款专为跨境电商而生的海外仓储运营管理软件。为卖家提供出入库管理、库存管理、RMA退货管理、仓库SKU管理。 1. 出库单:Dropshiping订单管理,实时/手工同步电商订单,实时显示订单完成时间、完成数量、物流费用明细以及尾程快递派送状态与轨迹。 2. 入库:海外仓入库预报单管理。入库卡车预约。实时显示入库订单入库完成时间、实际收货数量。 3. 库存:可视化管理仓库库存。实时显示仓库的可用、冻结、坏品库存。 4. RMA退货:退货订单管理。针对出货后的退货业务提供高效管理功能,让卖家与仓库建立起沟通的桥梁。

WorldDepot ERP是一款专为跨境电商而生的海外仓储运营管理软件。为卖家提供出入库管理、库存管理、RMA退货管理、仓库SKU管理。 1. 出库单:Dropshiping订单管理,实时/手工同步电商订单,实时显示订单完成时间、完成数量、物流费用明细以及尾程快递派送状态与轨迹。 2. 入库:海外仓入库预报单管理。入库卡车预约。实时显示入库订单入库完成时间、实际收货数量。 3. 库存:可视化管理仓库库存。实时显示仓库的可用、冻结、坏品库存。 4. RMA退货:退货订单管理。针对出货后的退货业务提供高效管理功能,让卖家与仓库建立起沟通的桥梁。 more
  • 快捷自动化同步平台销售订单。快递审单,下发仓库。
  • 自动验证收件地址准确性,选择派送渠道生成快递标签。
  • 可视化实时跟踪尾程派送轨迹,异常件申诉。
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Dropshipping services,journey to your dream business.

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