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Let customers save and share their favorite items
First Wish is an easy to install wishlist that works for both registered customers and visitors. Logged in customers can benefit from synchronizing their wishlist across devices. Besides saving items for later, customers can also create curated lists they can share with family and friends on social media, via email or any messaging app. Our admin dashboard provides insights into the customer's wishlists, best performing products, and activity reports.
New Arrivals management made easy Show more
Custom product offers and free shipping motivator Show more
Simply Cross-Sell lets you create custom product offers that appear in a pop-up before the customer goes to checkout. By offering targeted product offers and free shipping incentives, Simply Cross-Sell helps merchants increase their average order value and sell more without any extra effort. Present your customers with offers that are relevant to their interests and needs at the right time. The app is easy to use, and merchants can quickly see results in their sales dashboard.
Let customers save and share their favorite items
Custom product offers and free shipping motivator