This app helps you to add a social sharing bar to your store with over 30 options to choose from: Email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Telegram, Reddit, Pocket, Tumblr, Diaspora, Digg, Trello, Viber, WeChat, Snapchat, Line, Kakao, Instagram, Flipboard, Evernote, Skype,...
TRANH makes it easier and faster to create a social bar as a theme block or section and drag/drop it to any place on your store using a theme app extension, which means no leftover after uninstallation.
This app helps you to add a social sharing bar to your store with over 30 options to choose from: Email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Telegram, Reddit, Pocket, Tumblr, Diaspora, Digg, Trello, Viber, WeChat, Snapchat, Line, Kakao, Instagram, Flipboard, Evernote, Skype,...
TRANH makes it easier and faster to create a social bar as a theme block or section and drag/drop it to any place on your store using a theme app extension, which means no leftover after uninstallation.
Add sharing bar by Add To Any, your customers can share your store with friends
Pick from over 30 platforms: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, LinkedIn,...
Using AddToAny widget with SMS and email, and you can sort and style the icons.
Place it anywhere on your store from landing to product/collection/blog... pages
Floating, color, border, custom CSS options for social sharing icons widget