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Track any task for your business. Show more
Task Tracking for your shop and business. Whether it's repairs or daily administrative tasks, task tracking will help you run your business. Create different workspaces and statuses and follow tasks through until completion. Link draft orders and real orders to tasks so you can see the entire task through from concept to completion, and ensure you get paid for all of your hard work. Custom workflows and task status transition questions are available. Assign, search and upload task files.
AI Powered Customer Support Show more
Solve Hero is a full customer support application, embedded in your Shopify admin. Customers email their questions and support requests to your email address which is routed to Solve Hero. Send ticket responses to our AI backend, which are then emailed to your customer. Manage your AI training manual by adding store policies and products to manual, which your AI Assistant then leverages.
AI Powered Customer Support Show more
SolveBot is a full customer support application, embedded in your Shopify admin. Customers email their questions and support requests to your email address which is routed to SolveBot. Send ticket responses to our AI backend, which are then emailed to your customer. Manage your AI training manual by adding store policies and products to manual, which your AI Assistant then leverages.
Track any task for your business.