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Apps by Thorup Ventures

Multi-store capable bulk editor

Bulk edit products
Change history
Spreadsheet layout
Facet filters
Multiple store publish

Supercharge your product management by effortlessly edit anything and publish to multiple stores

Effortlessly bulk edit thousands of products, collections, prices, SEO data, metafields and more in an intuitive spreadsheet layout that allows for flexible column selection and detailed faceted filtering to give you an overview and help you focus on the data you need to work on. Work with your changes in bulk via neatly packaged in "edits" that details the change history and give you intricate control over when to apply the updates. All changes to your store can be easily reverted.

Effortlessly bulk edit thousands of products, collections, prices, SEO data, metafields and more in an intuitive spreadsheet layout that allows for flexible column selection and detailed faceted filtering to give you an overview and help you focus on the data you need to work on. Work with your changes in bulk via neatly packaged in "edits" that details the change history and give you intricate control over when to apply the updates. All changes to your store can be easily reverted. more
  • Bulk edit in spreadsheet layout with column selections and facet filters
  • Cell level change history with validation and undo option
  • Collaborate on changes for a more efficient workflow
  • Bulk apply changes to any column (tags, status, metafields etc.)
  • Push updates to multiple stores using publish rules