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Verify your mailing lists for successful marketing campaigns Show more
Check email addresses to see if they exist and are valid to reduce bounces and improve email deliverability.
Form builder with email notifications & Whatsapp / SMS button Show more
Create a customizable questionnaire by drag & drop and receive the answers to your questions as well as the summary of the order by email, via a whatsapp or sms button. These features can be independent or combined.
Make your customizable products with this image overlay system Show more
GTLayers allows you to create your customizable products via an image overlay system. Drag the portions (images) that make up your product, position them and complete the information for each portion of the product. With this system you can make your product customizable with an very high variety of combinations.
Verify your mailing lists for successful marketing campaigns...
Form builder with email notifications & Whatsapp / SMS...
Make your customizable products with this image overlay...