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Apps by Test Co.

Easily track weather for client-specific locations and optimize business plans.

Get the current weather conditions and five day forecasts for your customer locations.

This app helps merchants determine the weather conditions for cities listed in the "Location" field of their customer records. Merchants whose business is dependent on the weather - caterers, event planners, travel coordinators, sellers offering weather dependent apparel, etc. - may find this app useful.

This app helps merchants determine the weather conditions for cities listed in the "Location" field of their customer records. Merchants whose business is dependent on the weather - caterers, event planners, travel coordinators, sellers offering weather dependent apparel, etc. - may find this app useful. more
  • Quickly determine weather conditions where your customers are located.
  • Get the five day / three hour forecast for each of your customer locations.
  • Unlimited reports.
Mike's Client Weather App logo
  • Free Plan Available

Easily track weather for client-specific locations and optimize...

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