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Address :panchsheel colony, jaipur, jaipur, RJ, 302019, IN
Website Privacy policyCreate Shoppable Instagram Shop, UGC Gallery & Shoppable Video Show more
Use Tagshop to turn UGC and social content from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc., to create Shoppable galleries, shop the Look, Product Gallery, lookbook or Instagram Shop for your store. Collect UGC from Instagram handles, reels, stories, profiles, TikTok, YouTube, etc. Add them to your website’s product page gallery or create your Instagram social shop, lookbook etc. Hence, uplift conversions with Instagram feed, UGC, shop the look, reels, videos, TikTok videos, and product reviews.
Inspire & sell 2x: Shoppable Videos, Instagram, & UGC Gallery Show more
Turn UGC and videos from Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube into shoppable feeds for your store. Send UGC in emails and embed UGC on the website. Collect UGC from Instagram handles, reels, stories, TikTok, Facebook page, and video. Seamlessly integrate these into shoppable product page galleries, shoppable video feeds on your homepage, Instagram shop, lookbooks, and email campaigns. Supercharge conversions with captivating UGC videos, inspiring "shop the look" experiences, & engaging Instagram reels
Create Shoppable Instagram Shop, UGC Gallery & Shoppable...