3.7Average Rating
Smartest way to show sizing charts & up your conversions game Show more
Check out new version with some long awaited features. Simplicity of settings is left in place though. #What’s New? * Widget button now has different placement and look options. * Completely customisable size guide pop-up. * Automatic US to UK size converter now sets units of measurement based on buyer’s geo. * Nice and clean styles for sizing guides. * Annual plan to save money on subscription. #Best Product Sizing Guides Solution This app allows you to create size guide tables,...
Show delivery cost by users ip and your store shipping rates Show more
Our app automatically displays accurate shipping rates based on each customer’s IP address. This allows customers to see correct shipping costs for their location without extra steps. Merchants shipping to multiple regions benefit by simplifying the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment due to unexpected fees, and improving customer trust. By enhancing the shopping experience, the app can lead to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
Smartest way to show sizing charts & up your conversions...
Show delivery cost by users ip and your store shipping rates...