Precision shipping rate calculations during checkout, ensuring customers are charged accurately based on item dimensions/weights, and numerous parameters.
Features include multi-box shipments, flat-rates, and real-time rates from almost any shipping carrier worldwide. free shipping options, origin-specific rates, and delivery date estimates, and much more.
eShipRate can even determine if items will fit in a box so you can use flat-rates such as FedEx OneRate, UPS SimpleRate, etc.
Precision shipping rate calculations during checkout, ensuring customers are charged accurately based on item dimensions/weights, and numerous parameters.
Features include multi-box shipments, flat-rates, and real-time rates from almost any shipping carrier worldwide. free shipping options, origin-specific rates, and delivery date estimates, and much more.
eShipRate can even determine if items will fit in a box so you can use flat-rates such as FedEx OneRate, UPS SimpleRate, etc.
Origin-based shipping for each item. Multiple origins for same item coming soon
Flat ship rates for individual items with discount for quantity.
Will it fit? Knows if items will fit in box. Divides into multiple boxes if not.
Splits orders into multiple shipments to stay below carrier's weight surcharge.
Limit number of specific items in a box (lithium batteries, liquids, etc)