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Profitability comes from knowing your variables. Show more
Statlas unites all your business data across platforms and combines it into the only formula you need to know to understand your business profitability: the E-Commerce Formula. Track critical metrics like Marketing Efficiency Rating (MER) — to truly measure success. Identify your most-profitable channels and campaigns ... as well as exactly where you need to improve. Enter targets for your KPIs and then continue to track them so you can quickly adjust as the business environment changes.
Data Solution for Your Traffic Data Show more
With the issues around GA4, it's the perfect time to install Mise en Place to create your own website analytics. We use the Shopify Pixel to store traffic data and aggregate it into our system so you can get the data most relevant: each visit, each unique user's path, or each conversion. You get full control over the data through an easy-to-use API which you can feed into your database or AI algorithms. Brought to you by the creators of Statlas, the data can also feed into your Statlas reports.
Profitability comes from knowing your variables.
Data Solution for Your Traffic Data