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Apps by Smshosting

Coinvolgi i tuoi clienti con Email & SMS Marketing Automation Show more

Smshosting SMS, Email, Loyalty is a versatile app designed to enhance communication and engagement with your customers effortlessly. It allows you to synchronize your contacts easily and leverage automations and workflows for sending automated communications, streamlining your marketing efforts. The app integrates loyalty features such as fidelity cards and coupons, enabling you to foster customer loyalty and manage all discounts from a single, unified platform. With tools for both SMS and email marketing, Smshosting provides comprehensive solutions for executing effective marketing campaigns. Its automated contact synchronization ensures you always have the latest information, allowing you to tailor interactions and enhance customer satisfaction. Whether you're looking to boost engagement or streamline discounts, Smshosting is a reliable choice for modern marketing strategies.
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Marketing automation
Contact sync
Email & sms
Fidelity cards
Coupons management

Interagisci facilmente con i tuoi clienti inviando comunicazioni tramite Email o SMS.

Con SmsHosting sarà facile interagire e costruire un rapporto con i tuoi clienti. Sincronizza i tuoi contatti e sfrutta automazioni e workflow per inviare comunicazioni automatiche. Integra le fidelity card e i coupon per fidelizzare gli acquirenti e gestire tutti gli sconti da un' unica piattaforma.

Con SmsHosting sarà facile interagire e costruire un rapporto con i tuoi clienti. Sincronizza i tuoi contatti e sfrutta automazioni e workflow per inviare comunicazioni automatiche. Integra le fidelity card e i coupon per fidelizzare gli acquirenti e gestire tutti gli sconti da un' unica piattaforma. more
  • Sincronizzazione automatica dei contatti.
  • Automazioni e Workflow per inviare comunicazioni automatiche
  • SMS ed Email Marketing
Smshosting SMS, Email, Loyalty logo
$16 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Coinvolgi i tuoi clienti con Email & SMS Marketing Automation...

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