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Add Google reCAPTCHA to your contact form Show more
Zero Spam protects your contact forms from spam bots and unsolicited email. Adding froms using Zero Spam also lets you add more fields to your contact pages, than what comes out of the box with most themes. Zero Spam uses Google reCAPTCHA to protect your inbox from spam emails. Furthermore our algorithms filters out a lot of unsolicited emails as well.
Alle danske pakkeshops i én app Show more
Pakkeshopper samler alle danske transportfirmaer i en app, og giver dine kunder mulighed for at vælge den bedste fragtmetode til deres behov. Vi har samlet alt hvad du skal bruge for at vise fragt muligheder i Shopify i en app. Appen bruger Carrier Calculated Rates modulet fra Shopify til at sende fragt rater til Shopify. Vi anbefaler at du kontakter Shopify's chat support og spørger efter modulet, så vil de give dig mulighederne for hvordan du kan få det på din shop.
Add Google reCAPTCHA to your contact form