World ID Discounts logo

World ID Discounts

Free App

Discounts only for real humans, no more bots or fake emails!

One-time discounts
Real human verification
Fixed dollar amount
Enable/disable discounts

About World ID Discounts

Launched Dec 06, 2023


Built by Tools for Humanity


Give one-time discounts to real humans only. No more bots, no more fake emails!

With World ID Discounts, you can be sure that a specific promotion can only be claimed once by real humans! No more bots draining your entire inventory, and no more fake emails to claim a discount more than once. Each discount applies a fixed dollar amount to a single item, and can be enabled or disabled at any time!

With World ID Discounts, you can be sure that a specific promotion can only be claimed once by real humans! No more bots draining your entire inventory, and no more fake emails to claim a discount more than once. Each discount applies a fixed dollar amount to a single item, and can be enabled or disabled at any time! more
  • One-time discounts for real humans only. No bots, no fake emails!
  • Simple discount creation: one item, fixed discount value.
  • Enable and disable discounts at any time!

Rating And Reviews


Dec 20, 2023  on Shopify

Help me I have stuck on the part to install the button on my store.

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