Taranker.Com Logo


Develop by Shopify
Free App

Multi-asset, Updatable NFTs. Do more than just JPEGs

No-code creation
Ios and android compatible
Combine multiple media
Update sold nfts
Sell via shopify
Credit card payments
No gas fees
Ipfs and filecoin storage
The app is no longer available


Launched Dec 20, 2021


Built by Shopify

Z Sticky Add To Cart Button logo
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Keep "Add to Cart" visible, boost conversions. No coding...

Introduction Video


Create the next evolution of digital collectibles with more compelling media experiences

Creators, brands, and retailers sometime need more than just a single image. Do more with your digital collectibles. Our NFTs are multi-asset, allowing you to combine audio, video, images and more - up to 32GB of content - for more compelling experiences. Our NFTs can be updated with new media - even after the NFT is sold - for dynamic, evolving experiences that change over time. With our no-code app, create/sell directly from you Shopify store with credit cards and no gas fees in minutes.

Creators, brands, and retailers sometime need more than just a single image. Do more with your digital collectibles. Our NFTs are multi-asset, allowing you to combine audio, video, images and more - up to 32GB of content - for more compelling experiences. Our NFTs can be updated with new media - even after the NFT is sold - for dynamic, evolving experiences that change over time. With our no-code app, create/sell directly from you Shopify store with credit cards and no gas fees in minutes. more
  • Combine multiple media files in any combination up to 32 GB
  • Update the NFT with new media - even after the NFT has been sold
  • Stores content on IPFS and Filecoin to establish true on-chain digital ownership
  • View the NFTs on the iOS and Android App


  • Multi-asset capabilities: Allows combining audio, video, images, and more for richer content
  • Large storage capacity: Supports up to 32GB of content per NFT
  • Updatable NFTs: Media within NFTs can be updated even after the sale, allowing for dynamic and evolving content
  • No-code creation: Users can create and sell NFTs directly from their Shopify store without needing to code
  • No gas fees: Transactions can be handled with credit cards, eliminating the need for gas fees
  • True digital ownership: Stores content on IPFS and Filecoin, ensuring on-chain digital ownership
  • Cross-platform viewing: NFTs can be viewed on both iOS and Android apps


  • Dependence on external storage: Relies on IPFS and Filecoin, which could present issues if these services experience downtime
  • Complexity for traditional retailers: Brands and retailers not familiar with NFTs or blockchain technology may have a learning curve
  • Potential performance issues: High storage capacity (up to 32GB) might lead to performance issues depending on the user's hardware and internet connection

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