Ventipix Inventory Manager logo

Ventipix Inventory Manager

Develop by Ventipix


/ Month
7 Days Free Trial

Use smartphones to track inventory by scanning barcodes or NFC

Low stock alerts
Adjust quantities
Scan barcodes
Scan nfc tags
View inventory
Transfer inventory
Conduct stock counts
Trace items

About Ventipix Inventory Manager

Launched Jul 21, 2020


Built by Ventipix

Email :

[email protected]


98 Mill Race Lane, Bradford, BFP, BD4 8DQ, GB

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Ventipix Inventory Manager makes managing stockroom inventory simple.

Use smartphones to scan barcodes or NFC tags. With the scanned data, you can then view inventory details, make quantity adjustments, do inventory transfers, and stock counts.

Use smartphones to scan barcodes or NFC tags. With the scanned data, you can then view inventory details, make quantity adjustments, do inventory transfers, and stock counts. more
  • Reduce or increment inventory quantities and log the adjustment records.
  • Get notified when stock levels fall below defined thresholds.
  • Trace inventory items received from fulfilled Purchase Orders.

Introduction Video


  • Easy to use with smartphones for scanning barcodes or NFC tags
  • Facilitates real-time inventory tracking and management
  • Allows for quantity adjustments and inventory transfers on the go
  • Supports stock counts and helps in maintaining accurate inventory records
  • Provides notifications when stock levels fall below predefined thresholds
  • Can trace inventory items received from fulfilled Purchase Orders


  • Relies on smartphone availability and battery life for continuous operations
  • May require a learning curve for users unfamiliar with barcode/NFC scanning technology
  • Potential limitations in integrating with existing inventory management systems

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