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Easy fiscal receipts creation using Vchasno.Kasa service

Integrates with shopify
Generates receipts
Email receipts
Controls virtual register
3 Reviews

About Vchasno.Kasa

Launched Feb 26, 2023


Built by CopyCon

Email :

[email protected]


Svobody Avenue, Kyiv, 04108, UA

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Vchasno.Kasa app helps to create fiscal receipts in Ukraine using Vchasno service

The app easily connects a store to Vchasno.Kasa service. Create a fiscal receipt on each order paid by a payment gateway. All fiscal receipts Vchasno.Kasa service sends to the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Why use the app? It helps to create fiscal receipts using virtual cash registers approved by the State Tax Service of Ukraine. And it works 24 hours / 7 days a week. You don't have to buy hardware POS and pay salary to cashiers.

The app easily connects a store to Vchasno.Kasa service. Create a fiscal receipt on each order paid by a payment gateway. All fiscal receipts Vchasno.Kasa service sends to the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Why use the app? It helps to create fiscal receipts using virtual cash registers approved by the State Tax Service of Ukraine. And it works 24 hours / 7 days a week. You don't have to buy hardware POS and pay salary to cashiers. more
  • Generates sell and return receipts
  • Sends to a customer fiscal receipts by email
  • Controls virtual cash register opened and closed states


  • Easily connects a store to VchasnoKasa service
  • Creates fiscal receipts on each order paid by a payment gateway
  • Sends all fiscal receipts to the State Tax Service of Ukraine
  • Approved virtual cash registers by the State Tax Service of Ukraine
  • Operates 24/7
  • Eliminates the need to buy hardware POS
  • Reduces labor costs by removing the need for cashiers
  • Generates both sell and return receipts
  • Sends fiscal receipts to customers via email
  • Controls the state of virtual cash registers (opened and closed)


  • May require initial setup and configuration effort to connect to VchasnoKasa service
  • Reliance on internet connectivity for generating and sending receipts
  • Limited to use within Ukraine as it sends fiscal receipts to the State Tax Service of Ukraine
  • Potential learning curve for users unfamiliar with virtual cash registers

Top Helpful Reviews


Jun 11, 2024  on Shopify

Дуже крута можливість фікалізувати чеки для українського бізнесу повзавши їх з замовленнями всередині shopify, були спроби працювати з іншими касами та рро, але на shopify всі працюють або криво або взагалі ніяк.


Aug 29, 2023  on Shopify

Додаток швидко і ефективно закрив питання по оформленню чеків. Працює без проблем. Дуже рекомендуємо для використання.

Medvejatnik Lockmaster Store

Aug 28, 2023  on Shopify

Схоже це саме той додаток, якого мені не вистачало. Поки що все працює як очікував. Цікаво буде подивитись функція створення чеків при відвантежнні чи оплаті замовлення.

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