Theme Changer logo

Theme Changer

Develop by OctoCode


/ Month
7 Days Free Trial

Schedule your theme updates and sleep at night

A/b testing
Automatic theme publishing
Schedule theme events
Edit or cancel events

About Theme Changer

Launched Jan 06, 2020


Built by OctoCode

Email :

[email protected]


Periferico Sur 3395 Int 204, Rincon Del Pedregal, DF, 14120, MX

Website Privacy policy


* Schedule a event to publish a theme * After it finish you can publish a different one * A/B Test

Running promotions campaings requires you: * Create a copy of you current theme * Update your banners and do your customizations * Publish the update. Always the promotions and changes works better at hours where you are on your spare time, that is where Theme Changer enters, setup your events and go relax, Theme Changer will publish for you.

Running promotions campaings requires you: * Create a copy of you current theme * Update your banners and do your customizations * Publish the update. Always the promotions and changes works better at hours where you are on your spare time, that is where Theme Changer enters, setup your events and go relax, Theme Changer will publish for you. more
  • Plan your promotions and your theme updates
  • Automatically publish your themes in the day and hour selected
  • After the event is finish you can publish a different theme
  • Edit or cancel your event
  • Enjoy your spare time with your family and friends an let the app work for you


  • Schedule theme updates automatically
  • Allows for better time management and relaxation during spare time
  • Facilitates planning and executing promotions
  • Allows editing or canceling scheduled events
  • Automatic publishing at a user-selected day and hour
  • Post-event theme changes can be scheduled
  • Enhances work-life balance for users by managing promotional tasks


  • May require time for initial setup and customization of themes
  • Dependent on app's reliability for scheduling and publishing tasks
  • Potential for unforeseen issues during automated theme changes
  • Limited to managing only theme-related tasks, not a full marketing suite

Rating And Reviews


Jan 01, 2022  on Shopify

Downloaded this app, tested it out and everything worked fine. The one time I actually set this up to use and switch from sale to non-sale outside of work hours. BAM broken. I wake up the next morning to see nothing has switched. I can't even see the dashboard. Would give this 0 stars if I could.

Shades of Rose Shop

Jan 09, 2021  on Shopify

I use this app for my sales and holidays day times, i would like you can add more actions or reports about how many sales we did into the event, would be nice to know, but it does what it suppose to do, Thanks!


Feb 20, 2020  on Shopify

From now on this application is my basic applications, has a simple operation and does the job, totally worth it


Feb 04, 2020  on Shopify

It works very well, i can setup my theme changes to go live at midnight, so it save of being awake , and i can be relax about it.


Feb 04, 2020  on Shopify

Very useful on holidays and vacations, and in general i use it on the daily bases to publish my site updates, good work!

Steele Official

Feb 04, 2020  on Shopify

Easy to use and configure , anyhow i contacted them and they reply very fast. So it will stay as one of my basic apps

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